Name:Alves Funeral Home
Telephone:19 3648-4531 | 3648-6208
Address:Rua José Ferreira Aranha, 261 – Centro / Americana – SP
grace period:6 (six) months for the funeral service
Usage Limit: Unlimited
How to Use the Benefit:Upon presentation of the Grupo Sim Card with password and document with photo
Note I:The funeral service is offered free of charge only in the perimeter of Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, Americana and Nova Odessa
Note II:Grupo Sim does not make any kind of reimbursement
Note III:The transfer is free by land within the cities of Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, Americana and Nova Odessa (this service is carried out by Funerária Alves), outside these cities it is the responsibility of the customer to pay the transfer mileage
Note IV:The expenses incurred by the client with third parties, including transfers within the municipality, will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the client.
Note V:The funeral service will be carried out exclusively by FUNERARIA ALVES LTDA contact details above. Service at other similar companies exempts Grupo Sim from any reimbursement for expenses incurred
Observation VI:In case of death covered by the Sim Plan, the customer must immediately communicate with Funerária Alves provided that the grace period is respected, which is 6 (six) months from the date of signature of the contract