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Each family you indicate to purchase the Sim Plan is worth R$ 100.00.

The account é simples indicated 10 families worth a thousand, indicated 20 families you earn 2 thousand reais.

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Exclusive for you

This opportunity is exclusive to Grupo Sim customers. Because when you know all free and low cost benefits you trust and it is much easier to refer.

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get your money

As soon as the family you referred pays the first monthly fee, the amount of BRL 100.00 per referral is already available  and can be transferred to your account.

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Enter your dataand the data of the person you are indicating to be a customer of GRUPO SIMand start earning🇧🇷

Thanks for sending!

Opportunity to

Você ganha

R$ 100,00 por indicação

Cash on hand

Conheça o Plano Sim e todos seus benefícios gratuitos e a baixo custo

extra income

Você não paga absolutamente nada, investimento “zero”


Achieve your financial independence


We believe in your potential. Referring clients to Grupo Sim, you discover how to earn extra money to achieve goals and make your dreams come true.

Know the Yes Plan


Plano Sim is the largest benefit plan in Brazil, check out o video

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